Son Of A Gun

New Recruits

At no point in time has the †SoG† clan been actively recruiting but, we are always willing to talk to those who have expressed interest in wearing p†SoG† tags. Listed below are a few pointers which may help someone determine weather †SoG† is the right clan for them. We are not trying to build a clan to win matches against other clans or make a name for ourselves. We are only in it for the fun & playing at a high level.

1) We do not Proselyte: (Recruit Snipers that are already in a Clan). If you are wearing tags of another clan do not ask to be part of  †SoG†. We show respect to other clans and will not entertain conversation with tagged members. If you choose to turn your tags in, then †SoG† will be more than happy to discuss the steps that follow.

2) Team Speak is really the KEY to our judging your character, 
 yes that’s right CHARACTER COUNTS for us!! You could be the best sniper ever and we wouldn’t care.
3) Know our Rules: You must have the knowledge of our No Spawn Maps and have them installed

4) Games & Forums: be active on them! We don’t have certain days we demand you to be on, just be active. We all have a life outside of S.E. so we don’t expect you to be on 24/7 (all day and night)

If you have followed the prior 4 steps you may be ready for p†SoG† tags. The following is how to obtain those tags.

1) You would have to go up through the ranks.
    A) Main ranks would be Comrade this rank is only giving to Special people, those who we respect & would be in HIGH Consideration of being a recruited as an p†SoG† 
2)  p†SoG† This is only for your protection as well as ours. You may find out that †SoG† is not for you and you may turn in your Probie tags no hard feelings about this.  For us this is just to see if you really want to be a part of us. 

The point is it's really up to you. If you’re not in our game and in others games then we might not be what you are looking for in a clan.

There is no test at the end of your Probie tenure. Just a meeting of the minds to evaluate you. Some probies tags are held longer than others some shorter than others. It’s really up to YOU.

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Hosted in US-West Server Name †SoG†
Established Since 2009